Our Core Programmes

For everyone in the organisation: 

1 hour session to discuss how we cultivate an inclusive culture for working parents.

Includes stats on the implications of working parents not being supported, a look at the day in the life of a working parent and a panel from your organisation so that everyone can understand the challenges and struggles and start to think about how best to support each other.


For line managers:

2 hour session for up to 10 line managers.

We will be delving deeper into why it’s so important to support working parents, exploring any conscious/unconscious bias that they may have towards parents and sharing what it's really like to return after a gap, as well as how best to support and manage them.

For working parents:

1:1 coaching. 

A series of 6 - 12 sessions is recommended as we will predominantly be focussing on mindset and how we go about changing internal beliefs - which can take some time to shift.

1 hour lunch and learn for all working parents

We will come in and talk for about 20 minutes on any topic that may be of interest, be it parent guilt, managing transitions, the myth of the work life balance etc. 

We will stay for the duration of the lunch and learn to facilitate any conversations that may come off the back of it, and have any chats with anyone who wants to explore these further. 

For working mothers:

1 day workshop. 

We will start by looking at their limiting beliefs that keep them stuck.  We will then go on to build on what confidence, boundaries, good communication etc looks like for them, so that they feel empowered to create their own version of working motherhood.